Stories from the Mug

I won't call it a blog if you won't.
Between sips of coffee I'll occasionally post how things are going in the office; with projects or life in general. They might not be CNN news-worthy but still may be of interest.

Strange Days Indeed

I blinked and I seemed to have missed summer and a vacation. Maybe things will change soon.

Looooong Weekend

I'm going to spoil myself and enjoy a extra long weekend. Been a busy month and wrapped up numerous projects this week. I'll start fresh again on Wednesday.

National Competition

Very long days running this year's national graphic competition but it is fun to see the kid's in action and talk to fellow graphic designers from across the country. I think I need a nap now.

Graphic Competition

Wrapped up another OTSC graphic design competition for Skills Canada - Ontario yesterday. Pretty impressive stuff from the high school kids. Time to get ready for the National competition held this year in Toronto during the first week of June.